Anderson kids
Friday, December 15
Í gær fórum við Kamilla til læknisins, eða það héldum við amk. Á heilsugæslunni tók hjúkrunarfræðingurinn á móti okkur og það var ekki fyrren hún leiddi okkur framhjá skoðunarherbergjunum og inn í sprautuherbergið að ég fattaði að Kamilla átti að fá sprautu! Úpps. Enginn andlegur undirbúningur eða neitt. Enda grét Kamilla sárt. Sem betur fer þurfti hún bara eina sprautu (Lifrarbólga B) en það bættist svo líka við fingraástunga vegna annars (of langt mál að útskýra núna - það þurfti aðallega að athuga járnbúskapinn hjá henni). Þessi fingraástunga var meira en að segja það því svo mikið blóð kom að við Kamilla vorum nánast útataðar (það virtist amk vera þannig). Því miður fengum við þennan hjúkrunarfræðing, hinn hjúkrunarfræðingurinn, karlmaður, en mun betri. Konan er harðhent og kaldlynd en karlinn ljúfur og blíður.

Í fyrsta sinn sem við komum þangað þá kom hún með lista af sprautum sem stelpurnar áttu að fá og ég held að Kamilla hafi átt að fá 6 sprautur í einu. En þegar við mættum í sprauturnar þá tók karlmaðurinn á móti okkur og hann fór vel og vandlega yfir þetta og náði að fækka sprautunum í 3! Kamilla var svo róleg í návist hans að hún fór ekki einu sinni að gráta, þrátt yfir sprauturnar þrjár.

Ég verð líka að segja frá hvað Ása Sóley hefur stækkað og þroskast á undanförnum vikum. Á síðustu 4 vikum eða svo þá hefur hún orðið að krakka. Hún er ekki lengur hangandi í pilsfaldinu hjá mér (væri ég almennt í pilsi) og leikur sér mun meira með stóru krökkunum. Hún þarf miklu minna á mér að halda, sem er bara hið besta mál. Ég var alveg búin á að hafa ungabarn. Ég hef ekkert nema dýpstu samúð með foreldrum fatlaðra barna sem eru lengur að þroskast og ná kannski jafnvel ekki að þroskast framyfir ungbarnastigið. Þetta er skemmtilegur aldur en allt hefur sinn tíma. Nándin er mikil en á sama tíma er persónulegt frelsi lítið. Svo snýst þetta við og frelsið er nánast algjört (með eintóma unglinga á heimilinu) en mun minni nánd.

Thursday, May 11
Snow girls. Another attempt at publishing videos.

Tuesday, April 11
I don't think I'll be writing here much more. If you miss me writing about the girls in English please send me a line (sonja @ richter.org) and I will continue.

I will, however, let you know when more pictures are posted. This is one of those times: http://www.pbase.com/rajons/feb06. Couple of new albums have been added to the Feb folder (yes, I'm behind).

Wednesday, February 22
Kamilla turned pink overnight! Now she prefers to wear pink. She doesn't have many pink clothes, but her rain gear is pink and the rain boots even have a picture of Barbie (Kamilla doesn't know who she is though) and glitter - those are HOT! I'm even knitting her a pink scarf. She's can talk very well now and is starting to speak English more. The other day she walked up to her dad after dinner and said 'I'm finished!'. She had to say it a few times because her dad didn't realise what she was saying at first.

Ása Sóley stopped using a pacifier. We figured out (with a help from my mom's co-worker) that it was due to her teething. The pacifier was bothering her.

It's only 9 days until we leave for the US! Exciting!

Wednesday, February 1
I forgot one thing last time I wrote. Ása Sóley started to eat! This is the first time I've had a kid I can feed! It's amazing :) Kamilla never wanted to be fed. She just shut her mouth. Then at about 8-9 months she started to feed by herself, but only by herself. Later, when she was fully eating, we could sometimes feed her when she was too tired of eating by herself. Just the last bites. Sometimes she would feed us! She thought it made just as much sense as us feeding her.

This weekend Ása Sóley got her first tooth. It's a front tooth in her lower jaw. Ever since, she's been doing this funny little thing with her tongue. Putting it out and up and wiggling about.

Today was 'Ljósanótt' at Kamilla's preschool. All the kids came after school with a flashlight. The shool is an old building and it was light up. There were candles and sparkling lights (stjörnuljós). Then we also got 'kleina' and 'kakó', kleina is Kamilla's favorite pastry but she wont drink cacao. She had so much fun and the wind and rain didn't stop her. We took some pictures and I'm going to upload them tonight.

Monday, January 30
Also May photos. I guess I was too busy in June to upload them :o

December photos

A lot is happening in the live of Ása Sóley. She got her first tooth on the weekend! She nows gets around much more, scooting on her butt. She does go on all four but is only practicing, she's not crawling yet.

Thursday, January 19
It's been too long. I've been writing about the girls on my normal blog and then I'm not as motivated to write here as well.

Ása Sóley has been having problems. She was sick around New Years, so was Kamilla but ÁS was sicker. After she got better she started to have other problems, mild ear infection is one and thrush is another. She had thick thrush on her tongue, cheeks and lips. The thrush then also came up in her diaper area and she was red sore and the skin was cracked. I finally got a fungus cream on Tuesd. after she had this problem for at least a week (I had no idea what it was) and now it's slowly getting better. One side effect was that she had troubles sleeping because it hurt.

I like her age, she is old enough to be sitting all by herself (and not falling over) but not old enough to be crawling all over. She is trying to get on four feet so this phase will pass before I know.

Last weekend we had a lot of snow. It was so fun. We went out every day, Fri. - Sun. with the girls (mostly Kamilla) on snow sledge. I took a lot of pictures but I left the camera at my mom's on Sun. I'll check in here when I upload the pictures. There is one video of Kamilla riding down a big hill. She had so much fun.

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